Welcome on MaTerRE platform


 This platform is dedicated to MaTerRE 2023 call for proposals for federative equipment / platform : projects bringing together several teams from the Ile de France Region with a MaTerRE contribution of more than 50,000 euros.

NB : For an equipment with a contribution up to 50 000 euros, please sublit your proposal on the dedicated platform : https://materre-2022-3.sciencescall.org


Eligible projects are carried out between team members of labs working on MaTerRE axes. Any Paris Region lab is eligible, without prior affiliation to the DIM. The submission of a project will be considered as an application for affiliation to the DIM.

The total cost of the project must be less than € 2 000 000 (pre tax cost). MaTerRE’s contribution can’t exceed 60% of the total cost (whichever amount is inferior).

New equipment and/or upgrade of existing ones are eligible as long as it meets the criteria of the call for proposals.

To be considered eligible, a project must include : this form fulfilled and signed; resume of each project leader (from each partner involved in the project); at least one quote;  at least one illustration for communication purpose ; if applicable, an affiliation form completed (for each team involved in the project that is not affiliated yet).

Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria are the following:

  • Novelty and quality of the collaboration, in terms of complementarity and expected synergy. The project must associate the skills of at least two laboratories relevant for MaTerRE.
  • Scientific and technical quality of the project.
  • Innovative aspect of the project
  • Quality of the cofinancing plan and quality of the environment of the project;
  • Accessibility for Ile de France researchers and especially MaTerRE members : once purchased, clear rules to access to the equipment/platform must be defined and accessible to all.
  • Federative and structuring effect for the network and Ile de France Region.

For shared platforms and equipments, academic/industrial collaborations will be encouraged. (to be specified by support letters).


Projects must be written exclusively in English.

Files must be named according to the following these rules : PROJECTSHORTNAME_PROJECTLEADERNAME_FILENAME.


18 September  2 october 2023 at 23:59: Deadline for proposal submission

11– 22 December Panel review of the preselected project leaders..

Before mid-January 2024: Publication of the results. Final decision will depend on regional allowance


For any question, you can contact dim-materre@espci.psl.eu

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